Ryan Melhus-Barreno
Ryan Melhus-Barreno is a school psychologist practicing in New York. Before becoming a school psychologist, she was a middle school teacher and also taught as an adjunct instructor at the college level. She has experience with all ages, grade levels, functional levels, and disabilities. She is passionate about helping families identify learning differences, comprehensively planning a course of action, and maintaining eligibility for persons already identified.

Psychological Evaluations
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
I was an English teacher full time for the Department of Education until I had my son. In order to work part-time, I took a job as an adjunct instructor. Towards the middle of my teaching there, I started working closely with our Office of Students with Disabilities, as I had a few students who required accommodations and modifications. I became interested in the field and pursued my degree in School Psychology.
The challenges you are having mean that your teachers need to teach you differently, not that there is anything wrong with they way you learn best.
I have seen the difference a good teacher and a good educational plan can make in both the lives of my students and my own children.
Free consultation, get fast help for your growth plan
Talk to someone who cares. We'll listen to what's going on with your child, discuss their needs, answer your questions, and start to develop a plan for growth.