Teresa Richards

Teresa Richards

I did my undergraduate and graduate work in Mathematics at Arkansas State University where I earned a BSE and MS. I taught junior high and high school for 6 years, community college and university for 20 years. I have taught Basic Math to College Algebra and have taught Algebra and Statistics online for 7 years. I am excited to get to know you and help you to better understand this important branch of mathematics!


Math Tutoring






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What advice would you give to a family who is on the fence about signing up for a learning assessment (or counseling/therapy)?

Mathematic builds on earlier concepts so having a strong foundation is important. Math anxiety can happen when the foundation has missing parts. Filling in those gaps can help students feel more confident in their mathematical abilities.

Why are you passionate about helping students with learning differences?

Many times, students with learning differences are overlooked in a group setting because of the time constraints of a traditional classroom and the volume of students a teacher has to work with. Working with someone one on one allows me to meet them where they are on their mathematical journey and help them accomplish their goals.

What gets you excited about Parallel?

Parallel allows me to work with individuals and to make a difference in that person's education.

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