Teletherapy Blueprint: Comprehensive Tactics to Elevate Your Online Sessions

Speech Language Pathology
Special Education
Special Education Team
Career Guide
For Clinicians
8 minute read

Introduction: Elevating Your Teletherapy Practice

Teletherapy, also known as online therapy or virtual therapy, has exploded in popularity in recent years. It allows therapists to connect with clients remotely using video conferencing technology. This offers a convenient and accessible option for individuals seeking mental health support, particularly those with busy schedules, transportation limitations, or geographical distance from qualified providers.

However, transitioning to online sessions also presents unique challenges for therapists.  Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), for example, might miss the ability to utilize physical manipulatives or closely monitor a client's oral-motor movements during in-person sessions. Therapists of all disciplines may face difficulties establishing rapport and maintaining client engagement through a screen.

This is where a teletherapy blueprint comes in. Think of it as a roadmap for success, outlining strategies and best practices specifically tailored to the online therapy environment. By following a well-defined blueprint, therapists can overcome these challenges and create effective, engaging teletherapy sessions for their clients.

Optimizing Your Teletherapy Environment: Setting the Stage for Success

Your teletherapy environment plays a crucial role in creating a professional and productive session for both you and your clients. Here's how you can optimize your physical space and technology setup for seamless online therapy:

A. Crafting a Tranquil Workspace:

  • Quiet Haven: Select a dedicated space free from distractions and interruptions. This minimizes background noise like ringing phones, barking dogs, or loud music from outside.

  • Declutter for Clarity: Maintain a clean and organized workspace. A cluttered background can be visually distracting for your client and detract from the therapeutic focus.

  • Lighting for Visibility: Ensure proper lighting to avoid appearing shadowy or backlit on camera. Natural light is ideal, but if not available, position a lamp in front of you to illuminate your face clearly.

B. Tech Savvy for Seamless Sessions:

  • Reliable Connection is Key: A stable internet connection is paramount for uninterrupted video conferencing. Invest in a high-speed internet plan and avoid conducting sessions in areas with weak signal strength.

  • Platform Power: Choose a user-friendly and secure video conferencing platform like Parallel. Look for features specifically designed for teletherapy, such as screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms.

  • Crystal Clear Communication: Test your audio and video quality beforehand to ensure smooth communication. Use a high-quality headset with a microphone to minimize background noise and ensure your voice is clear. Explore features within your platform to optimize audio and video settings.

By carefully considering these elements, you can create a professional teletherapy environment that fosters trust and facilitates effective communication with your clients.

C. Speech Therapy Materials at Your Fingertips

  • Digital Arsenal: Having a readily accessible digital library of SLP materials is crucial for online sessions. This could include articulation pictures, flashcards, interactive games, or even short reading passages. Consider storing these files within your chosen platform or a cloud storage service for easy access during session.

  • Software Integration: If you utilize specific software programs for SLP activities, ensure compatibility with your video conferencing platform. Parallel, for example, might integrate seamlessly with your existing software, allowing you to share activities directly within the session.

  • Creative Resourcefulness: Explore online resources designed specifically for teletherapy. Many websites offer downloadable activities, worksheets, and tools that can be easily adapted for online sessions.

D. Tangible Tools for Tactile Learning

While digital resources are powerful,  having a variety of physical materials on hand can further enhance your teletherapy sessions, especially for younger clients or those who benefit from tactile learning:

  • Whiteboard Wonders: A whiteboard or dry-erase board allows you to write, draw, and create visuals in real time during the session. This can be particularly useful for practicing articulation or illustrating concepts.

  • Puppet Power: Puppets can be a fun and engaging way to encourage participation and model social interaction skills. Consider using hand puppets, finger puppets, or even sock puppets depending on your client's age and needs.

  • Markers Make Their Mark: A variety of colorful markers can be used on your whiteboard or for creating visuals on paper to share with your client during the session.

  • Book Bonanza: Having a selection of children's books or picture books on hand allows you to target specific vocabulary skills or engage in shared reading activities with your client.

  • Flashcard Frenzy: Flashcards are a classic tool for practicing articulation, vocabulary, or other targeted skills. Invest in pre-made flashcards or create your own with clear visuals and corresponding words.

By combining a reliable platform, clear communication tools, and a collection of  both digital and physical SLP materials, you can create a dynamic and engaging teletherapy environment for your clients.

Engaging Your Teletherapy Clients: Building Rapport and Fostering Connection

Creating a successful teletherapy session hinges on fostering a sense of engagement and connection with your clients, even through a screen. Here's how you can achieve this through effective pre-session preparation and interactive techniques during your sessions:

A. Setting the Stage for Success: Pre-Session Preparation

  • Clear Expectations, Clear Path: Before each session, collaborate with your client to establish clear expectations and goals. Outline the topics you'll be covering and encourage them to come prepared with any specific questions or concerns. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and investment in the therapeutic process.

  • Tech Check, Confidence Boost: Encourage your clients to test their technology beforehand. This could involve logging into the video conferencing platform, familiarizing themselves with features, and ensuring a stable internet connection. By addressing any technical hurdles early on, you minimize distractions and create a smoother session flow.

  • Virtual Waiting Room Welcome: Consider utilizing your platform's virtual waiting room feature (if available). This allows clients to join a designated online space before the official session begins. You can customize this space with a welcome message, calming music, or even an activity to ease any pre-session jitters.

B. Building Bridges: Fostering Connection During Sessions

  • Rapport Through Relationship: Establishing rapport is crucial for building trust and fostering a safe space for your client to share openly. Utilize active listening skills, maintain eye contact through the camera (remember to look at the camera lens, not your own image), and employ warm, empathetic body language.

  • Active Listening, Active Engagement: Demonstrate active listening by paying close attention to your client's verbal and nonverbal cues. Reflect back on their statements, summarize key points to ensure understanding, and ask open-ended questions to encourage deeper exploration.

  • Nonverbal Cues Don't Disappear: Nonverbal communication remains important in teletherapy. Maintain appropriate posture, avoid fidgeting, and use facial expressions that convey empathy and understanding. Even small gestures like nodding or tilting your head can make a big difference.

  • Interactive Engagement, Enhanced Participation: Move beyond traditional talk therapy by using interactive features within your platform. Consider incorporating polls, quizzes, or breakout rooms (if available) to encourage client participation and make the session more dynamic.

Interactive Activities for Teletherapy: Keeping Clients Engaged Online

One of the biggest advantages of teletherapy is the ability to leverage technology to create engaging and interactive therapy sessions. Here's how you can adapt traditional exercises, utilize online resources, and encourage client participation for a variety of therapy modalities:

A. Bridging the Gap: Adapting Traditional Activities for Online Sessions

  • Think Outside the Box: Don't be afraid to get creative! Many traditional therapy exercises can be adapted for the online environment. For example, instead of using physical flashcards, utilize screen sharing features to display digital flashcards or online games that target the same skills.

  • Resourceful Online Exploration: There's a wealth of online resources specifically designed for teletherapy. Explore websites and platforms that offer interactive activities, downloadable worksheets, or educational games that complement your therapy goals.

  • Client Collaboration is Key: Encourage your clients to utilize objects they have readily available at home for therapeutic exercises. This could involve using toys, household items, or even drawing materials to participate in activities you guide them through virtually.

B. Tailoring Activities to Specific Needs: Examples for Speech-Language Pathology (SLP)

Articulation Therapy:

  • Digital Flashcard Fun: Utilize screen sharing features to display interactive flashcards with sounds or pictures targeting specific phonemes. Platforms like Parallel might allow you to upload your own custom flashcards or sets.

  • Mirror, Mirror on the Screen: Many platforms allow clients to see themselves alongside you on the screen. This is particularly helpful for articulation therapy, as you can model correct mouth placements and clients can visually imitate them.

Language Therapy:

  • Interactive Storytelling Apps: Explore online apps or platforms designed for collaborative storytelling. Clients can participate in building narratives, adding details, and using targeted vocabulary within the story.

  • Fill-in-the-Blank Activities: Utilize screen sharing features to display online passages or worksheets with missing words. Clients can then practice using targeted vocabulary words to complete the sentences.

Fluency Therapy:

  • Virtual Metronome Magic: Many platforms offer built-in metronome features. This can be a valuable tool for clients practicing paced speech or rhythmic speaking patterns.

  • Turn-Taking Games Online: Look for online games that require turn-taking and encourage clients to formulate clear and concise sentences before responding.

By incorporating these interactive strategies specifically designed for SLP, you can ensure your teletherapy sessions are engaging and target the unique needs of your clients. Remember to explore the functionalities of your chosen platform (like Parallel) to see how it can further enhance your SLP teletherapy activities.

Maintaining Client Confidentiality and HIPAA Compliance: The Cornerstone of Trust

In the realm of teletherapy, safeguarding client privacy and adhering to HIPAA regulations are paramount.  Here's how you can ensure your online sessions prioritize client confidentiality and HIPAA compliance:

  • Security First: Select a secure video conferencing platform designed specifically for healthcare professionals. Platforms like Parallel should offer features like encryption, password protection, and user authentication to protect sensitive client information during video calls and data transmission.

  • Informed Consent is Key: Obtain informed consent from your clients before commencing teletherapy sessions. This document should clearly outline how their protected health information (PHI) will be used, stored, and transmitted electronically. Be sure to address potential risks associated with teletherapy, such as technology glitches or unauthorized access attempts.

  • Data Security Measures: Implement robust data security measures for storing client information electronically. This could involve using password-protected cloud storage services with encryption capabilities. Avoid storing sensitive information on personal devices. Familiarize yourself with your platform's data security protocols and ensure they align with HIPAA regulations.

Billing and Reimbursement for Teletherapy Services: Streamlining Your Practice

Navigating the world of teletherapy billing can feel complex at first. However, by understanding insurance coverage, setting clear rates, and utilizing technology, you can streamline the billing process and ensure you're compensated fairly for your services.

A. Demystifying Insurance Coverage:

  • Stay Informed: Insurance coverage for teletherapy varies depending on the insurance provider and client's specific plan. Regularly research and update yourself on current teletherapy coverage policies within your region.

  • Verification is Key: Prior to initiating teletherapy with a client, verify their insurance coverage for online sessions. This helps avoid any unexpected billing surprises for you or your client.

  • Know the Codes: Familiarize yourself with the appropriate billing codes for teletherapy services. Common codes include 90801-90810 (individual therapy) and 90832-90834 (group therapy) with modifiers to indicate the service was delivered via telehealth.

B. Setting Clear Rates and Payment Methods:

  • Transparency is Key: Establish clear and transparent rates for your teletherapy services. Consider factors like your experience, location, and session duration when setting your rates.

  • Payment Options Galore: Offer multiple convenient payment methods for your clients. This could include online payment processors, credit cards, or even checks received through the mail.

  • Communicate Clearly: Outline your payment policy and accepted payment methods in a clear and concise document. Provide this information to your clients upfront and include it in any intake paperwork.

C.  Leveraging Online Billing Platforms:

  • Simplify the Process: Utilize online billing platforms specifically designed for healthcare professionals. These platforms can streamline the billing process by automating tasks like generating invoices, sending statements, and collecting payments electronically.

  • Time is Money: By automating repetitive billing tasks, you free up valuable time to focus on what matters most – providing exceptional care to your teletherapy clients.

  • Security Matters: When choosing an online billing platform, ensure it offers robust security features to protect your clients' sensitive financial information.

Building a Streamlined Teletherapy Practice with Parallel

While the world of teletherapy offers exciting possibilities, navigating the logistics can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, a provider company like Parallel can be your one-stop shop for creating a successful and efficient teletherapy practice. Here's how Parallel empowers you to excel in every aspect:

A. Simplifying the Journey from Start to Finish

  • Platform Power: Parallel provides a user-friendly and secure video conferencing platform specifically designed for therapists. Features like screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms foster interactive and engaging sessions.

  • Engagement Made Easy: Parallel integrates seamlessly with many existing SLP materials and software programs, allowing you to easily share activities and resources directly within the platform.

  • Billing Simplified: Parallel takes care of billing clients for you (ensuring you get paid as a 1099 or W-2 worker, depending on your agreement). They automate invoices, integrate secure payment processing (optional), and offer clear reporting tools to simplify your finances and keep you informed.

B. Partnering for Success

By choosing Parallel, you gain a partner dedicated to your success. Their team offers ongoing support and educational resources to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of teletherapy. Leverage Parallel's expertise to ensure you're maximizing the potential of online therapy for both you and your clients.

C. Focus on What Matters Most: Your Clients

Ultimately, Parallel empowers you to focus on what matters most – providing exceptional care to your clients. By simplifying logistics, streamlining workflows, and offering a secure and engaging platform, Parallel allows you to create a thriving teletherapy practice that delivers impactful results.

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Speech Language Pathology
Special Education
Special Education Team
Career Guide

Teletherapy Blueprint: Comprehensive Tactics to Elevate Your Online Sessions

Speech Language Pathology
Special Education
Special Education Team
Career Guide
For Clinicians
8 minute read

Introduction: Elevating Your Teletherapy Practice

Teletherapy, also known as online therapy or virtual therapy, has exploded in popularity in recent years. It allows therapists to connect with clients remotely using video conferencing technology. This offers a convenient and accessible option for individuals seeking mental health support, particularly those with busy schedules, transportation limitations, or geographical distance from qualified providers.

However, transitioning to online sessions also presents unique challenges for therapists.  Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), for example, might miss the ability to utilize physical manipulatives or closely monitor a client's oral-motor movements during in-person sessions. Therapists of all disciplines may face difficulties establishing rapport and maintaining client engagement through a screen.

This is where a teletherapy blueprint comes in. Think of it as a roadmap for success, outlining strategies and best practices specifically tailored to the online therapy environment. By following a well-defined blueprint, therapists can overcome these challenges and create effective, engaging teletherapy sessions for their clients.

Optimizing Your Teletherapy Environment: Setting the Stage for Success

Your teletherapy environment plays a crucial role in creating a professional and productive session for both you and your clients. Here's how you can optimize your physical space and technology setup for seamless online therapy:

A. Crafting a Tranquil Workspace:

  • Quiet Haven: Select a dedicated space free from distractions and interruptions. This minimizes background noise like ringing phones, barking dogs, or loud music from outside.

  • Declutter for Clarity: Maintain a clean and organized workspace. A cluttered background can be visually distracting for your client and detract from the therapeutic focus.

  • Lighting for Visibility: Ensure proper lighting to avoid appearing shadowy or backlit on camera. Natural light is ideal, but if not available, position a lamp in front of you to illuminate your face clearly.

B. Tech Savvy for Seamless Sessions:

  • Reliable Connection is Key: A stable internet connection is paramount for uninterrupted video conferencing. Invest in a high-speed internet plan and avoid conducting sessions in areas with weak signal strength.

  • Platform Power: Choose a user-friendly and secure video conferencing platform like Parallel. Look for features specifically designed for teletherapy, such as screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms.

  • Crystal Clear Communication: Test your audio and video quality beforehand to ensure smooth communication. Use a high-quality headset with a microphone to minimize background noise and ensure your voice is clear. Explore features within your platform to optimize audio and video settings.

By carefully considering these elements, you can create a professional teletherapy environment that fosters trust and facilitates effective communication with your clients.

C. Speech Therapy Materials at Your Fingertips

  • Digital Arsenal: Having a readily accessible digital library of SLP materials is crucial for online sessions. This could include articulation pictures, flashcards, interactive games, or even short reading passages. Consider storing these files within your chosen platform or a cloud storage service for easy access during session.

  • Software Integration: If you utilize specific software programs for SLP activities, ensure compatibility with your video conferencing platform. Parallel, for example, might integrate seamlessly with your existing software, allowing you to share activities directly within the session.

  • Creative Resourcefulness: Explore online resources designed specifically for teletherapy. Many websites offer downloadable activities, worksheets, and tools that can be easily adapted for online sessions.

D. Tangible Tools for Tactile Learning

While digital resources are powerful,  having a variety of physical materials on hand can further enhance your teletherapy sessions, especially for younger clients or those who benefit from tactile learning:

  • Whiteboard Wonders: A whiteboard or dry-erase board allows you to write, draw, and create visuals in real time during the session. This can be particularly useful for practicing articulation or illustrating concepts.

  • Puppet Power: Puppets can be a fun and engaging way to encourage participation and model social interaction skills. Consider using hand puppets, finger puppets, or even sock puppets depending on your client's age and needs.

  • Markers Make Their Mark: A variety of colorful markers can be used on your whiteboard or for creating visuals on paper to share with your client during the session.

  • Book Bonanza: Having a selection of children's books or picture books on hand allows you to target specific vocabulary skills or engage in shared reading activities with your client.

  • Flashcard Frenzy: Flashcards are a classic tool for practicing articulation, vocabulary, or other targeted skills. Invest in pre-made flashcards or create your own with clear visuals and corresponding words.

By combining a reliable platform, clear communication tools, and a collection of  both digital and physical SLP materials, you can create a dynamic and engaging teletherapy environment for your clients.

Engaging Your Teletherapy Clients: Building Rapport and Fostering Connection

Creating a successful teletherapy session hinges on fostering a sense of engagement and connection with your clients, even through a screen. Here's how you can achieve this through effective pre-session preparation and interactive techniques during your sessions:

A. Setting the Stage for Success: Pre-Session Preparation

  • Clear Expectations, Clear Path: Before each session, collaborate with your client to establish clear expectations and goals. Outline the topics you'll be covering and encourage them to come prepared with any specific questions or concerns. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and investment in the therapeutic process.

  • Tech Check, Confidence Boost: Encourage your clients to test their technology beforehand. This could involve logging into the video conferencing platform, familiarizing themselves with features, and ensuring a stable internet connection. By addressing any technical hurdles early on, you minimize distractions and create a smoother session flow.

  • Virtual Waiting Room Welcome: Consider utilizing your platform's virtual waiting room feature (if available). This allows clients to join a designated online space before the official session begins. You can customize this space with a welcome message, calming music, or even an activity to ease any pre-session jitters.

B. Building Bridges: Fostering Connection During Sessions

  • Rapport Through Relationship: Establishing rapport is crucial for building trust and fostering a safe space for your client to share openly. Utilize active listening skills, maintain eye contact through the camera (remember to look at the camera lens, not your own image), and employ warm, empathetic body language.

  • Active Listening, Active Engagement: Demonstrate active listening by paying close attention to your client's verbal and nonverbal cues. Reflect back on their statements, summarize key points to ensure understanding, and ask open-ended questions to encourage deeper exploration.

  • Nonverbal Cues Don't Disappear: Nonverbal communication remains important in teletherapy. Maintain appropriate posture, avoid fidgeting, and use facial expressions that convey empathy and understanding. Even small gestures like nodding or tilting your head can make a big difference.

  • Interactive Engagement, Enhanced Participation: Move beyond traditional talk therapy by using interactive features within your platform. Consider incorporating polls, quizzes, or breakout rooms (if available) to encourage client participation and make the session more dynamic.

Interactive Activities for Teletherapy: Keeping Clients Engaged Online

One of the biggest advantages of teletherapy is the ability to leverage technology to create engaging and interactive therapy sessions. Here's how you can adapt traditional exercises, utilize online resources, and encourage client participation for a variety of therapy modalities:

A. Bridging the Gap: Adapting Traditional Activities for Online Sessions

  • Think Outside the Box: Don't be afraid to get creative! Many traditional therapy exercises can be adapted for the online environment. For example, instead of using physical flashcards, utilize screen sharing features to display digital flashcards or online games that target the same skills.

  • Resourceful Online Exploration: There's a wealth of online resources specifically designed for teletherapy. Explore websites and platforms that offer interactive activities, downloadable worksheets, or educational games that complement your therapy goals.

  • Client Collaboration is Key: Encourage your clients to utilize objects they have readily available at home for therapeutic exercises. This could involve using toys, household items, or even drawing materials to participate in activities you guide them through virtually.

B. Tailoring Activities to Specific Needs: Examples for Speech-Language Pathology (SLP)

Articulation Therapy:

  • Digital Flashcard Fun: Utilize screen sharing features to display interactive flashcards with sounds or pictures targeting specific phonemes. Platforms like Parallel might allow you to upload your own custom flashcards or sets.

  • Mirror, Mirror on the Screen: Many platforms allow clients to see themselves alongside you on the screen. This is particularly helpful for articulation therapy, as you can model correct mouth placements and clients can visually imitate them.

Language Therapy:

  • Interactive Storytelling Apps: Explore online apps or platforms designed for collaborative storytelling. Clients can participate in building narratives, adding details, and using targeted vocabulary within the story.

  • Fill-in-the-Blank Activities: Utilize screen sharing features to display online passages or worksheets with missing words. Clients can then practice using targeted vocabulary words to complete the sentences.

Fluency Therapy:

  • Virtual Metronome Magic: Many platforms offer built-in metronome features. This can be a valuable tool for clients practicing paced speech or rhythmic speaking patterns.

  • Turn-Taking Games Online: Look for online games that require turn-taking and encourage clients to formulate clear and concise sentences before responding.

By incorporating these interactive strategies specifically designed for SLP, you can ensure your teletherapy sessions are engaging and target the unique needs of your clients. Remember to explore the functionalities of your chosen platform (like Parallel) to see how it can further enhance your SLP teletherapy activities.

Maintaining Client Confidentiality and HIPAA Compliance: The Cornerstone of Trust

In the realm of teletherapy, safeguarding client privacy and adhering to HIPAA regulations are paramount.  Here's how you can ensure your online sessions prioritize client confidentiality and HIPAA compliance:

  • Security First: Select a secure video conferencing platform designed specifically for healthcare professionals. Platforms like Parallel should offer features like encryption, password protection, and user authentication to protect sensitive client information during video calls and data transmission.

  • Informed Consent is Key: Obtain informed consent from your clients before commencing teletherapy sessions. This document should clearly outline how their protected health information (PHI) will be used, stored, and transmitted electronically. Be sure to address potential risks associated with teletherapy, such as technology glitches or unauthorized access attempts.

  • Data Security Measures: Implement robust data security measures for storing client information electronically. This could involve using password-protected cloud storage services with encryption capabilities. Avoid storing sensitive information on personal devices. Familiarize yourself with your platform's data security protocols and ensure they align with HIPAA regulations.

Billing and Reimbursement for Teletherapy Services: Streamlining Your Practice

Navigating the world of teletherapy billing can feel complex at first. However, by understanding insurance coverage, setting clear rates, and utilizing technology, you can streamline the billing process and ensure you're compensated fairly for your services.

A. Demystifying Insurance Coverage:

  • Stay Informed: Insurance coverage for teletherapy varies depending on the insurance provider and client's specific plan. Regularly research and update yourself on current teletherapy coverage policies within your region.

  • Verification is Key: Prior to initiating teletherapy with a client, verify their insurance coverage for online sessions. This helps avoid any unexpected billing surprises for you or your client.

  • Know the Codes: Familiarize yourself with the appropriate billing codes for teletherapy services. Common codes include 90801-90810 (individual therapy) and 90832-90834 (group therapy) with modifiers to indicate the service was delivered via telehealth.

B. Setting Clear Rates and Payment Methods:

  • Transparency is Key: Establish clear and transparent rates for your teletherapy services. Consider factors like your experience, location, and session duration when setting your rates.

  • Payment Options Galore: Offer multiple convenient payment methods for your clients. This could include online payment processors, credit cards, or even checks received through the mail.

  • Communicate Clearly: Outline your payment policy and accepted payment methods in a clear and concise document. Provide this information to your clients upfront and include it in any intake paperwork.

C.  Leveraging Online Billing Platforms:

  • Simplify the Process: Utilize online billing platforms specifically designed for healthcare professionals. These platforms can streamline the billing process by automating tasks like generating invoices, sending statements, and collecting payments electronically.

  • Time is Money: By automating repetitive billing tasks, you free up valuable time to focus on what matters most – providing exceptional care to your teletherapy clients.

  • Security Matters: When choosing an online billing platform, ensure it offers robust security features to protect your clients' sensitive financial information.

Building a Streamlined Teletherapy Practice with Parallel

While the world of teletherapy offers exciting possibilities, navigating the logistics can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, a provider company like Parallel can be your one-stop shop for creating a successful and efficient teletherapy practice. Here's how Parallel empowers you to excel in every aspect:

A. Simplifying the Journey from Start to Finish

  • Platform Power: Parallel provides a user-friendly and secure video conferencing platform specifically designed for therapists. Features like screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms foster interactive and engaging sessions.

  • Engagement Made Easy: Parallel integrates seamlessly with many existing SLP materials and software programs, allowing you to easily share activities and resources directly within the platform.

  • Billing Simplified: Parallel takes care of billing clients for you (ensuring you get paid as a 1099 or W-2 worker, depending on your agreement). They automate invoices, integrate secure payment processing (optional), and offer clear reporting tools to simplify your finances and keep you informed.

B. Partnering for Success

By choosing Parallel, you gain a partner dedicated to your success. Their team offers ongoing support and educational resources to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of teletherapy. Leverage Parallel's expertise to ensure you're maximizing the potential of online therapy for both you and your clients.

C. Focus on What Matters Most: Your Clients

Ultimately, Parallel empowers you to focus on what matters most – providing exceptional care to your clients. By simplifying logistics, streamlining workflows, and offering a secure and engaging platform, Parallel allows you to create a thriving teletherapy practice that delivers impactful results.

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Speech Language Pathology
Special Education
Special Education Team
Career Guide

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